Saturday, April 2, 2011


Another lame title eh?

Yesterday is my first time *again* to go online hihi xD Cuz it;s finally vacation and i'm so happy about it cuz finally i'll be able to rest buuuuuuuuuuuuut it's not yet sure, cuz i think i'll be taking summer classes because of the dengue i've had this last December :< damn, I didn't even want to have that now im required to take summer classes, gaaawd i hate it! D;

and this morning.. me and red decided to have some exercise and and do some sport... my hatest sport... VOLLEYBALL.. and guess what this is what i've got:

hai, hai, a bruise :<
I hate it and it hurts so much tch. :<

Saturday, March 12, 2011


When Tsunami hit Japan, after class I immediately loaded up my phone, I was worried so much about my family over there, I thought a lot about what could have happen to them even though I know for a fact that their place is far away from where it actually happened, but still we never know, then I called them but can't reach them then I cried all night, my aunt and uncle were very worried too and they've been contacting them too, but can't reach, then the next day they call us and told us they're find, thank God they're fine, this time I can really tell that I do love my family even though I haven't seen my father and the rest, except my mother, in person. Talking about them I might go to Japan this vacation, but only if I don't have summer classes which is something NOT far from happening cuz I've been absent from 2 weeks because of the dengue fever I got. I know for sure I'll be taking summer classes and I won't be able to visit them but hopefully next year I will :)

And because I've been gone for a long time here's a cute picture I found online, cuz Pikachu is my favorite pokemon :D hihi

And another amazing picture I found, this is a real FIREFOX, sugoii desu ne?♥

And this funny picture that happens everytime here inside the house, the scene I see always :)) my cousins hihi

just take note that those pictures doesn't belong to me but to their respective owners :) I just found them and I think they're worth the share :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day♥

*sigh* just-got-home.
 and im so busog *full* xD.
The foods are just so delicious I can't resist them, specially the dulce de leche roll and strawberry shortcake plus icecream and fried chicken and lechong paksiw, grabe, every february 14 na lang nabubusog ako ng ganito pano pag naghanda ang may birthday todo-bigay~ xD  well im not gonna wish na maulit dahil im sure this is gonna happen again, NO DOUBT! xD

Well til here, I can't stay still, sitting, I can't breathe I eat a lot xD well yeah I forgot to take pictures of the food cuz I was already drooling and the pictures of the WOF tabs T^T I wish i could remember xD

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ayaa~ I'm really bad with titles ne? xD

Today, as usual every Sunday,is Y&R's appreciation day xD hihi actually after convincing Red to watch KHR and found out that Haru and Kyoko has their appreciation day and celebrates is by buying cakes for themselves every third week of the month, she decided to call our every Sunday at Y&R's appreciation day, for the lulz. Okay enough for that, I just wanna share that today we didn't really eat that much. And the truth behind our shopping day is, we're not really shopping we just go to the mall cuz it's just 15 minutes away from here *2 rides* and then buy food and play at WOF ( and because we're always there, some staffs are already our buddies, sometimes we get to have some free coins hihihi xD that's the advantage! xD

We are actually collecting stabs from games so we can exchange it to something else, I'll post pictures next time and we had a bunch of it already hihi.Our favorite gaming spot is the arcade I wanted to post a pic of red focusing on it, but she didn't want to show any of her pic on the internet, even her shadow *im dead serious* cuz you know I might die xD, I'm still young :D 

Hmmm ano pa baaaa~?

Can't think of anything anymore, aside from this effin' feeling that I'm feeling right now like... I'M TIRED goddamnit xD I wanna sleep so... goodnight everyone


Friday, February 11, 2011


Well the title is kindda crappy, but I really can't think of anything. And I feel really bored so I am blogging *obviously* ... hmm *sigh* and again I can't think of anything to share since nothing really happened, except that last night I didn't know that uncle will be home earlier and asked me turn off my laptop, well it was fine since i'm already consuming half of the electricity bill *exaggerating* okay, not really xDDD.

I'm actually looking for a movie to watch since I realized that I dun watch movies @_@ I mean I rarely watch them and when I do I always forget the title since most of the times it's a horror movie and i'm not brave enough to watch them, I'm really scareeeeeeed aaa~ T^T but I dunno why other people, specially my classmates *current and past* really like them I don't understaaaaaaand T^T.

These last few nights, I'm having weird dreams I can't remember, well I wish I could, but I remember some, it was like I'm inside a game where if I failed to swim I have to restart it by getting bitten by a shark, oh gawd, that hurts xD but since it's a dream it doesn't hurt a bit xDDD oh and actually in my dream me and the person with me, restarted it lots of times, meaning we let ourselves get bitten by a shark lots of times too xDD oh and I can't remember who is that person but he is a guy xD I wonder who's he.~

Well 'til here, I guess I found something good to share, hope it is indeed a good one, and now it's longer than the previous one ne? ♥

PS. I'll try to convince my bestfriend to make a blog *impossible*


Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this hihi.

I'm so inspired to make this cuz of my imouto-chan ^^

Hmm I can't say anything for now aaaaah so this first blog is really not worth reading after all =.='v gomen ne.